Category: J’s Blog

Back to school…back to basics

Fall into a consistent routine In the past several articles I have discussed the importance of exercise intensity and efficiency. Additionally, I have introduced to many of you the concept of interval training as...

Muscle…it does a body good

Why building muscle is the best approach to looking and feeling great There are three primary reasons in my opinion to build muscle: 1) Increase strength 2) Burn more calories 3) Improve body composition...

Food Independence

With the 4th of July, the celebration of our nation’s independence now behind us, I thought it was appropriate to discuss a modern day revolution in the works. It is the revolution against corporate...

Are You Ready To Find Out The Truth?

Making an honest effort in achieving your health and fitness goals In addition to my work as a personal trainer and strength and conditioning specialist, I coach basketball at the local high school. One...

Ripped Abs, But A Weak Core

Crunches are not the solution to a strong and stable core It’s hard to watch a fitness piece/program on television, read an article in a glossy magazine, or go to the gym and hear...

The Truth About Exercise

Exercise’s role in losing weight Time magazine published an article by John Cloud, entitled “The Myth About Exercise.” The premise of the article essentially states that exercise from a weight loss perspective is a...